Prophecies Come To Pass

Prophecies Come To Pass

When the earthquake comes I will open the eyes of the people – Come to pass 11 June 2023

15 February 2019

South Africa, South Africa. As you watch the destruction that is coming. Chaos in your finances. Chaos in the financial realm. Chaos in your universities. Chaos in your government.
This is to get your attention. When the earthquake comes I will open the eyes of the people. They will begin to see truth. The lies will be exposed. Truth will always prevail. For I am the GOD of truth and my kingdom cannot be shaken.
I am(Jesus) about to expose those who have set themselves up to lead this nation to destruction.
This is my nation. I will rule from the highest seat of this land.
I have ordained prosperity for you. The minions have tried to silence my chosen Prophets. They have said slow down the people are not with you. Not so. My people are with me. They move when I say move and the hold when I say hold. 7000 thousand I have preserved who have not bowed the knee to satan.
With Gideon I only needed 300. I only needed a David to bring about my rule in Israel.
David and his 30 mighty men caused the world to shake.
I am about to do this again.
MY Son who trained up 12 men who began to shake the foundations of Rome. Do not think that mighty weapons are needed
All that is needed is my word.
I will re-establish my servants who have stumbled due to jealousy.
This time MY word will be in their mouths.
Equally MY Spirit will be in and upon them.
Watch for the earthquake as this is the starter gun, say now run and conquer everything that is in front of you.


Signs in the Sky – Light In the Sky above Kyiv – Come To Pass April 2023,

Disruptions & Earthquakes in South Africa – Come To Pass July 2023

31 December 2022

As this new year 2023 comes so does change
Many countries will experience political change.
As the enemy has infiltrated to bring regime change, he has made a mistake, this will bring MY plans to the earth.
Many will find that the gallows they have set up for MY people will be their portion and their undoing.
What they have sowed so shall they reap 100 times. 
The jealousy and hate that is targeted at MY people from satan himself I have experienced as I deal with satan. 
So will I deal with those who have jealousy and hate towards you. 
This that the enemy has targeted you with will become a consuming fire that will destroy your enemies. 
There will be fire in the streets.
Earthquakes, snow storms, volcanos, disruptions. 
Look in the sky signs. 
On land signs 
On and in the oceans signs 
The false will be exposed. 
MY truth will prevail. 
The year 2023 will be known for the great change that comes as MY light pierces the darkness 
South Africa I have not forgotten the covenant that I have with you 
Watch and see how things will change for MY people


The War Room – April 2013 Prophecy , Come to Pass 2017-2022  Update


There has been an all out attack on the Leadership of the Bride of Christ

Seems that most of our Leaders have suffered an attack of some form

The attack has been directed at the perceived soft spot of our Leaders.

This is an old tactic whereby the best way to stop an army and win a war is to ‘take out’ the leadership.

This has not worked. All it has done is to strengthen the leadership and army of our Lord.

Our true ‘Captain of the Hosts’ has once again confused satan

I saw some time ago a ‘war room’

On the ground floor, all the tables on which a model of the battle field was made.

Above, the gallery where all the battle planners were looking down and watching as the battle was taking place.

The battle was going well for satan and he had left the gallery and was walking between the tables watching his plans and how these plans were proceeding. There was a smirk on his face as he watched.

Then suddenly a strange rain began to come down that ‘rained’ right through the roof.

The rain is drops of blood.

As the drops of blood touched the model of the battle plan it began to burn.

As this started to happen I saw satan’s face turn from a smirk to absolute horror. As his battle plans went up in flames. Satan was pulling his hair out and screaming in total dismay as he was being defeated.

Bosasa currently being  exposed for corruption sponsored the war room

Part of the Word Given to Me – 31 December 2021- Come to Pass 4 March 2021

31 December 2020

As 2021 becomes a reality
So does MY bride mature and begins to take her place.
This maturity brings with it responsibility and accountability.
It also brings with it much power and authority.
Those who have remained faithful will begin to touch MY authority and power.
As they become competent I will give more Authority and Power.
Only those who do only what I show them  – nothing more and nothing less can be trusted with what I AM giving to MY bride. 
MY eagles are beginning to soar. 
(I saw 12 eagles) 
In this year I will cause many breakthrough moments.
I will cause breakthrough in your health and wealth.
I AM causing My Kingdom to come to earth and MY will to be done on earth as it is here with ME in Heaven.
I stepped out side of the church.
Now there will be fire in the streets.
Governments will begin to fall as I establish MY Kingdom and MY will on earth.
Many millions have prayed as MY Son taught you to pray.
I have never changed MY mind about what I want on earth.
I have always wanted MY Will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
There are those who have invited ME to come to earth and to bring Heaven on earth.
When this begins to happen do not look at what has fallen and been burnt up by MY fire.
I use fire to renovate
It is what has come through the fire and has become pure and holy this is MY bride without spot or blemish.
I love MY bride.
I will adorn her and give her beauty, success, honour and power.
Health, wealth, prosperity power and authority is being placed into the hands of MY true bride.
Do not look at what is and has fallen.
These had the same opportunity to choose ME.
Only those who have chosen ME are valuable to ME.
The end of this age is imminent.
MY word is full of what must take place.
Take heart for I AM with you even to the end of the age and the age to come. 
Many will watch as spectators as all that I have written comes to pass. There will be shaking  rumblings, earthquakes and volcanic activity in various places around the world. There will be tsunamis These are mostly for a sign that I AM beginning to step onto the earth. Some may be for destruction and judgement. Do not be dismayed or be fearful. Nothing will by any means harm you.
So it begins MY Authority, MY power, MY rule and MY way of doing things.
I AM sending MY anointed to Expose the false. This is the day of MY power.

Huge Earthquake in New Zealand –


Revival In The Nations – 2 Sep 2019 -Come to Pass 8 December 2019

2 September 2019

The ring of fire will once again shake. From New Zealand to the Philippines.
GOD is showing the birth pains.
This Will cause revival to all the nation’s affected by this shaking.

A Great Earthquake To Bring About Change –  18 Dec 2018, 13 Jan 2019, 15 Feb 2019,  – Come to Pass 31 October 2019

18th December 2018

As our Lord would He showed me the following. A great earthquake that will hit South Africa. This is both physical and Spiritual.
This is a sign that great change comes to South Africa.
In the next 2 years you will begin to see the change that I require. As I did with the Philistines MY Angel’s will march in the atmosphere and MY enemies will turn on them selves and destroy each other.
This will cause those who rule to be torn in two. Then elections will be called and a new party will with me as their leader guiding them from the highest seat of government in South Africa will rule.

13 January 2019

GOD whispered in my. This is happening repeatedly.
Now is the time that many of my promises that I have made to you, concerning you, will come to pass. In this year a great shift is taking place. I will cause an earthquake in southern Africa as a sign that I AM doing this.
I am (Jesus) bringing the prosperity that you need to complete the work you have to do for me.
Now is the appointed time.

15 February 2019

South Africa, South Africa. As you watch the destruction that is coming. Chaos in your finances. Chaos in the financial realm. Chaos in your universities. Chaos in your government.
This is to get your attention. When the earthquake comes I will open the eyes of the people. They will begin to see truth. The lies will be exposed. Truth will always prevail. For I am the GOD of truth and my kingdom cannot be shaken.
I am(Jesus) about to expose those who have set themselves up to lead this nation to destruction.
This is my nation. I will rule from the highest seat of this land.
I have ordained prosperity for you. The minions have tried to silence my chosen Prophets. They have said slow down the people are not with you. Not so. My people are with me. They move when I say move and the hold when I say hold. 7000 thousand I have preserved who have not bowed the knee to satan.
With Gideon I only needed 300. I only needed a David to bring about my rule in Israel.
David and his 30 mighty men caused the world to shake.
I am about to do this again.
MY Son who trained up 12 men who began to shake the foundations of Rome. Do not think that mighty weapons are needed
All that is needed is my word.
I will re-establish my servants who have stumbled due to jealousy.
This time MY word will be in their mouths.
Equally MY Spirit will be in and upon them.
Watch for the earthquake as this is the starter gun, say now run and conquer everything that is in front of you.



04 Feb 18 Prophecy – Prophecy Come to Pass 12-14Feb 18 (links below )

There is one that has played games and made abuse of my Love and Grace. I have given him time to repent, but he would not. He has been stubborn and arrogant. Now I will remove him speedily. Those who have been party to support the corruption and theft will find themselves in a dark place. I can no longer allow the destruction of what is Mine. This is the time for restoration. I would have blessed this man had he repented and turned to me with his whole heart. He has refused and now My Judgment will come swiftly.
Tick tock, tick tock your time is up. Once you are removed I will bring healing to my remnant. The streets of South Africa will be full of what I am doing. This moment is now

South Africa’s ruling party ordered Jacob Zuma on Tuesday to step down…

Prophecy Come to Pass (links below)

23 January 2018…/how-severe-is-cape-towns-drought-a…

A researcher with UCT’s Climate System Analysis Group takes a look at the most up-to-date rainfall data to assess how severe the current drought…

– 30th Jan 2018 ,the time was 23:38.

Following my daily routine of spending a number of hours each day in prayer. As I settled to go to sleep HE spoke and said “A cold front will appear unexpectedly out of no where and it will rain over Cape Town and bring relief to the water shortage in Cape Town and much of the areas that are suffering drought. GOD did not tell me when this would happen.

28 February 2018

-From the beginning of March it will begin to rain in all the drought stricken areas of Southern Africa. By the end of March the shortages of water will be over. .

March 28 2018…/a-show-of-lightning-thunder-a…/


Prophecy Soon to pass  

18th December 2018.
As our Lord would He showed me the following. A great earthquake that will hit South Africa. This is both physical and Spiritual.
This is a sign that great change comes to South Africa.
In the next 2 years you will begin to see the change that I require. As I did with the Philistines MY Angel’s will march in the atmosphere and MY enemies will turn on them selves and destroy each other.
This will cause those who rule to be torn in two. Then elections will be called and a new party will with me as their leader guiding them from the highest seat of government in South Africa will rule.